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Wales Axe 8 From World Cup Squad

Wales squad reduced to 38 players

Released players (8): N Smith, R Hibbard, R Thornton, D Baker, M Phillips, R Patchell, J Hook & J Dixon

Who saw that coming? I think most of us  knew or at least assumed that James Hook had played his last game in the red rugby jersey of Wales. Mike Phillips Axed! I was in the, "they will take him for experience corner", so didn't really see that coming. What an amazing servant to Welsh Rugby he has been. Ok, so he has had a few mistermenas in the public Domain, but hey, he's a gnarly rugby player and I wouldn't have changed him for anything. (Take a Bow Mr. Phillips, Diolch yn fawr i ti) Now.....Richard 'Smash you into the ground like a peg' Hibbard is not in the squad??? A bit off the pace maybe, but when he puts one of those hits in, he lifts the whole team, crowd and TV viewers right off their feet. I should imagine he also puts the fear of God into anyone who's got him in their peripheral vision. Could prove to be a mistake, especially when we have a Mamouth sized squad from the South sea island of Fiji in our pool. The other omissions kind of spoke for themselves, all or most have a great future in Welsh Rugby, but are perhaps just that little raw at present. Keep pushing lads and I'm sure you'll be there in 2019.

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